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Reach out to one of our experts for a complimentary consultation based on location or based on specialization.

FAB New York
15 East 76th Street
NY 10021

Our Fee Structure

Buying & Selling Art
Fine Art Brokers is committed to complete transparency with regards to negotiations, commissions and fees. We maintain a ‘no deal, no fee’ policy. Our fee structure charges just one price that covers all of our work; for viewing, research, negotiating, and administering collection and delivery.

And we do not take a fee from the other side of the deal.

Our fee calculations are based on a sliding scale, with the lowest percentage being 2.5% and the highest 15%. For example, when buying we negotiate the best price we can and charge a percentage on that negotiated price. (Most advisors charge a percentage of the retail price).

Auction Services
Fine Art Brokers offers various advisory and practical services for buyers and sellers at auction, and our charges vary according to our involvement. Please contact us for details of our fees and commissions.

Collection Management
Much of our collection management work is not charged at all to our best clients, while for newer clients it is charged on an hourly basis.

Estates & Fiduciaries
Our art service charges are either based on an hourly rate or on performance, whichever is more appropriate to the specific work we do.

General Costs
All external costs - such as valuations, framing, conservation, transport and subcontracted installation - are agreed in advance and charged accordingly. If we have to travel to visit a client or view a work of art, our basic travel costs are charged to the client.